Monday, November 17, 2008

Catching Up

I have been meaning to write a blog for sometime now, but when I sit down to compose my thoughts I haven't been able to write....I somehow think I have nothing to write about and yet I know I do. So, let's start with the fall beauty. I can't remember when I have seen such a beautiful fall. The color in the leaves has just been unbelieveable. I didn't think it would be a pretty fall since it has been so dry, but my goodness was I wrong. I guess the rain and frost came at just the right time and it has been beautiful. I think fall is my favorite season!

There has been so many good things happening. First Fred had his prostate cancer surgery and that went very well and all the test results show that everything is just as predicted before the surgery. The margins are clean and the cancer low grade and confined to the just the prostate. We are truly lucky and thankful. He is recovering very well and I am trying to be a good nurse, but I can tell you this I make a better teacher then a nurse. I went to the doctor with him to have his incision checked, and almost fainted...some nurse I am.

My friend Ann, who is fighting a rare form of lymphnoma and has undergone eight heavy chemo treatments got the good news that she is in remission. Now if she can hold it there for five years she will be declared cancer free. I just hope and pray that things continue to go well for her.

My friend Heather and her husband have a beautiful baby daughter and even though it was a difficult delivery, with Heather ending up with a C section they seem to be doing well and Zora is absolutely beautiful!

I am working on Christmas gifts and making a Christmas Countdown for my granddaugher Olivia. It has been a learning experience since this is somewhat different then what I had made for my own children when they were younger. It looks like it will turn out great and I can get it in the mail to her soon.

I promise I will try to learn how to include pictures on this blog, all my dear friends who blog know how to do that and I don't have anyone to teach me so......Holli, Shana, Heather teach me!

I can hardly believe it is so close to Thanksgiving . Where does the time go? I thought I would have all this extra time now that I am retired, but somehow I don't. I guess it could be that I am finding more and more projects to occupy my my new sewing machine that I am really enjoying. Well I guess I have wandered on enough topics for today and I hear a project calling me before I go to teach my afternoon speech class.

1 comment:

heather said...

Good to hear an update from you!! Im glad to hear that things went well with Fred's surgery - I pray he continues to heal well. I'm also glad to hear about Ann and I continue to pray for her.

Uploading photos is so easy. When you're composing your blog entry, there are all kinds of buttons at the top where you can choose to center your text or italicize it - well, there's also a button with a photo on it (maybe of a mountain or something) - this is the upload photo button. Just click on it, and it will take you through the steps to upload a photo from your computer. Good luck!