Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Two More Days

Well, there are two more days of school and then it is time to relax and enjoy the holidays. I have jokingly said at school , "you can tell a man planned the school calendar...last day of school Friday Dec. 21 and we don't return until Jan. 7th!" I bet someone has a trip planned for after Christmas! I know that sounds soooo mean, but I bet you it is true. Oh well, not a thing I can do about it so life goes on. I am really looking forward to the holidays! We will be spending them with Scott and Elizabeth at Elizabeth's parents' home. I will also get to visit with my two grandchildren. Did I say two grandchildren?? You bet I did and this Grandma is going to enjoy every moment with those two. I will try to get some pictures up with a post over the Holli I hope you are reading this. I want to see some pictures of you and Heather!! I am off to make myself a cup of tea, try to get rid of this nagging headache and call and check on those grandchildren!:)

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Number Two

Yea! I managed to get one blog posted and Holli thank you for reading! I wish you were here to teach me! I will count on all my friends to help me w/ this new skill. The Christmas cards are done (Holli send me your address), packages are mailed, now for the last minute wrapping, a few little last minute items to purchase, and a little baking. We are traveling to NJ to spend Christmas w/ Scott and Elizabeth and Elizabeth's parents. It is so nice to be adopted by your son's in laws when it is not their turn to spend Christmas with us.
It is colder here today, but no snow :( I keep hoping that Monday morning I will wake up and there will be several inches on the ground and school will be cancelled. Why is it we always wish for what we don't have? You would think that as adult human beings we would learn to be content and not wish....but I guess it is human nature. Maybe during the Christmas holidays I can learn to post some! Well, I am beginning to ramble, perhaps because it is after 11 pm and my brain is turning to mush. That's what happens when you about to turn 90! (just kidding.....just feel 90 sometimes.) Catch you later.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

My First

Well, this is a first for me. I have had such a great time reading blogs by my "younger friends" that I got to thinking, "I can do this". Now, lets see if I actually can.

This is actually my second attempt to post, I didn't save my first entry and so here I am again...As if I have time to sit here and do this. I still have Christmas cards to do and packages to wrap, maybe I will start a new tradition and send our New Years cards instead. Sounds like an idea I should definitely should consider.

I think I will probably have to write a snail mail letter to some of you who blog on a regular basis and get some help with this project. I would like to be able to include pictures and all that good stuff that I see on other blogs. Maybe over the Christmas holidays I can play with this new idea of mine. In the meantime my blogs will be short and hopefully not too boring.