Monday, September 15, 2008

Texas -- Ike

This is just a quick update on my sister and her family in Seabrook, Texas. They were able to get to their home today and are very fortunate that the house substained little damage. They have lost their fence, the yard is a mess, as is the pool, and some minor damage to the roof, but at first check things weren't too bad! This is really amazing considering many places were totally destroyed. I am so thankful for those of you who have called about her. I appreciate you thinking of us. And friends could you take a few minutes to comment if you have read my blog, I hate to think I am writing and no one is reading. Take care and don't forget to count your blessings!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Counting Blessings

This past weekend was one filled mixed emotions. While my husband and I were having a wonderful time in New Jersery with our daughter, her husband, and our two wonderful grandchildren my mind was filled with worry for my sister and her husband. You see, they live in Texas, about 2-3 miles from Galveston Bay, in a town called Seabrook. They had to leave their home and go further in-land in order to be safe from hurricane Ike. We have never had to experience anything like this before and this was the first time for them as well. As I watched the news my heart was aching for them. Thank goodness for cell phones. We were able to keep in touch and I knew they were all safe. If we couldn't talk we could at least text message and when it could be transmitted it was even if it was somewhat later. They have not been able to return to their home to see what damage they face, but a report from a neighbor who works for the electric company seems to indicate that the flooding did not reach their home. They have no idea about wind damage or if the windows on the upstairs held since they could not get them boarded in time. But the most important thing is they are all safe, my sister her husband, her oldest daughter and her husband and 2 children and her other 2 daughters and their significant others. My brother-in-law's parents are also safe. So, we are truly counting our blessings. They hope to be able to return to their home tomorrow and see what they have to face next, so please keep them in your prayers.
I will post again soon and tell you all about our visit in NJ and what fun we had!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Bad Day :(

Have you ever had one of those days where everything that could go wrong does? Well, today was one of those for me. It started off with my hair appointment taking longer then usual and that made me almost late for my Weight Watchers Meeting. (Yes, I am trying to lose weight again!) When I weighed in I found to my surprise I had somehow managed to gain two pounds from the time I left my house at 8:30 am until I arrived at the 10:00 meeting!! Now, explain that one!! I think the scales were wrong, since when I finally got home I still weighted what I had that morning, which by the way was 1.6 pounds down from last week!! (Our scales usually agree with WW scales) Anywho, next stop was Sam's Club and by then it was starting to rain, now the rain was not the problem since we are so far below water levels, but crazy people and crazy drivers were! Long story short, I quickly finished at Sam's and I was on my way to my least favorite place in the world...Wal-Mart. I had to get some groceries, but it seemed as though every slow person in the universe was getting groceries too. Of course there only a few check out lines so......When I got home and unloaded the car I was not in a good mood! So, what does one do when not in a good mood, make a cup of tea, sit down in your favorite chair, with a good book, and cat on your lap and relax!! That is exactly what I did!! It sure does work wonders!
Now, that the day is drawing to an end I can't but help think as I look back on today, it could have been worse. Things sometimes seem so difficult,but later when we have a chance to relax we realize that they really weren't so bad. I guess it would be great if we could just understand that idea when things seem rough. Time does make a so many things. So, as I end the day I know that tomorrow will be better, no one has two bad days in a row!!

Friday, September 5, 2008


Relaxed! That is just the word to express how I feel. After teaching for 34 years and raising 3 wonderful children it is certainly time to have some relaxation time. It is absolutely amazing how wonderful I feel! I don't have to rush to do anything or be any where. I can take my time doing whatever I choose to do. There is something to be said for being classified a senior citizen. Now, friends don't get me wrong I wouldn't have changed my life for anything. I love being a mom, and I loved being a teacher, but now I can do what I love most, being a wife and mother, and not feel like I have so many other pressing things to do. I can relate to my daughter with her two young children, I have been there and done that! I can relate to my friends who are still teaching, I have been there and done that! Now,I think I can begin to relate to my friends who are also retired, I am there and doing that. So, when life gets rough, take a few minutes to sit and remember, this is all part of the wonderful journey of living. Enjoy the travels and the adventures this journey of life has for you! As F.S. Fitzgearld said in his novel The Great Gatsy, "you can't repeat the past". So enjoy today, remember yesterday, and look forward to tomorrow!! RELAX!

Monday, September 1, 2008

New Life Style Continued!

Oops! I hit the wrong key and published that last blog before I was finished or had even proofed it....sorry about that.
So, what has happened since that eventful retirement day? My husband and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary, and it certainly doesn't feel that long. Our children all came home, travelling from Arlington, VA, New Jersery, and Montana just to surprise us w/ a wonderful party. They certainly fooled us...we were so shocked! I will try to learn to post some pics. My dear friend Heather came by to see me when she was in town visiting friends...It was wonderful to see her. I had so much fun with my 2 grandchildren when they were here...I can't wait to see them again, Sept.13th I must admit I didn't miss the first day of school, I was sort of surprised as to how good it felt! I haven't given up teaching altogether, I am teaching 3 public speaking classes at the local community college. This I consider a hobby. I have cleaned closets, organized areas in the house that were long over-due for the task and I am still having fun doing it. I am actually enjoying cooking now! My husband, Fred, is thrilled with this. Well, I could go on with much more news, but this should bring you up to date with my life as a retired lady. Fred retires Oct. 1 and then we both will have lots of fun and free time. I can't wait. Life is full of adventures, no matter how old you are or how young you feel! Take time to experience each adventure to its fullest!!

New Life Style!

Gee, it has been so long sinced I blogged that I forgot my password and everything about signing on....could this be old age setting in? No, not on your life! My mother always said you are only as old as you feel and today I feel 30!! So much has happened since I last wrote...let's see, where shall I begin? My retirement was bittersweet as I said in my last blog, but it was wonderful. My dear friends in the English dept. were so kind w/ the parting gifts and words of gratitude. One thing they really touched me was a plaque made to honor the 3 of us who retired that will hang on the English hallway. The words written are beautiful and fill my heart with happiness!