Sunday, April 6, 2008

Well, I finally did it!

It has been a long time since I blogged.....I have been rather busy and just not interested in writing my thoughts for others to read. I have been preparing to sign the last of the necessary papers to retire from my teaching career of 34 years. I have been a teacher since I was first married and that will be 40 years this June. That is more than half my am I ready for a change? You bet I am! I think a person knows when he/she is ready for such a big change and I have reached that point in my life. Now, don't get me wrong I have loved what I have done as a career, I can't image doing anything else as a career. As long as I can remember I always wanted to be a teacher, and I have done just that. I have had a fantastic ride on the career path and I have worked with some wonderful students who have grown into wonderful adults. Some of these wonderful people have touched my lives in ways that I can't even begin to describe, and sadly some have left this world for a heavenly one, but the imprint of their short lives has made an impact on mine. I have had the honor of teaching people who have gone on to be doctors, lawyers, corporate presidents, teachers, dentists, mothers, fathers, actors, musicians, ministers and oh so many other wonderful professions. So, why am I giving up this wonderful aspect of my life? As Thoreau once said, "I have more lives to live". And I do....I want to travel, spend time with my wonderful husband, see more of my grandchildren, spend time with my children, family, and friends. I want to take some knitting classes, try some new crafts, read a good book without having to put it down to grade papers. I want each day to be a Saturday!! Will I miss teachng? I truly don't know, but I know I will miss seeing my friends and co-workers, I will miss the teenagers and the thrill of seeing a student finally get the idea, but on the other hand I will not miss the alarm ringing at 5:30am, grading papers, preparing lesson plans, giving students detentions, and only having 24 minutes to eat lunch! I will still keep my part-time job at the Community College and teaching public speaking I can do almost with my eyes closed so I will still get to interact with students, just on a little different leve. So as this chapter of my life closes, I must say I am ready to venture out in a different way! I am looking forward to RETIREMENT! Wish me luck on my new adventure!